Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Blessing of a Toddler

He grabs the yellow school bus and squeals.......
He smiles with a heart full of joy

His hands are small...

But he is Oh so eager to help smash the strawberries for Jam

He wants to race, to play alongside the others......

and to eat more grapes.

His adventures of the day consisted of chasing the cat....

giggling when the dog gives him kisses.........

and playing in the bowls of water.

He is a little guy who can barely see over our farmhouse table,

he has won the heart of my daughter (and mine) and he loves it here!

"Above all, think beauty in the ordinary..."

~Emilie Barnes

He is a friends little guy and when we are blessed to watch him my home rings with the sounds of a toddler again....something I have missed!

My children are growing so fast...for my daughters 11th birthday she asked for her first pair of high heels and has been wearing them everyday since. My boys are big enough to climb trees and make their own tents in the backyard.

I will always keep the memory of my childrens tiny hands in mine and belly giggles tighlty in my heart....but when I can have a little one curl up in my lap again (my youngest is getting so big he can't do that anymore *sigh!*) I rejoice!!!

Many Blessings to you my blogging friends...and if you still have a toddler in your home I challenge you to find the beauty in the ordinary throughout your day and lock those memories up tight in your heart-for one day those toddlers will be much much bigger!


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